Celebrate National Dental Hygiene Month
It’s National Dental Hygiene Month. Every October, the American Dental Hygienists’ Association and Colgate sponsor a month-long celebration for dental hygienists around the country. Dental hygienists are crucial members of your healthcare team and are responsible for keeping patients’ mouths (and bodies) healthy. What is a Dental Hygienist? Hygienists help patients develop […]
Brush and Floss for Healthy Gums!
September is Gum Care Month. So this month, we want to focus on how you can maintain healthy gums through good oral health care. One of the easiest ways to help prevent gum disease is to brush and floss every day, so, therefore, it is imperative to know the correct way to take care of […]
Breastfeeding Issues Tied to Tongue-tied Babies
August is Breastfeeding Awareness Month. Breastfeeding, in general, is a process that requires patience and commitment on everyone’s part, and when a baby isn’t latching, an additional element of stress is introduced to the equation. When babies have difficulty latching onto the breast or a bottle they may fail to thrive and this is not […]
Everything you Need to Know About Cleft Lips and Palates
One in 700 babies is born each year with a cleft lip, a cleft palate, or both. Besides its devastating emotional and social impact, this common congenital disability can also jeopardize a child’s long-term health. Fortunately, incredible progress has occurred in the last half-century repairing cleft defects. As a result, today’s children with these birth […]
Men and Oral Health
June is Oral Health Month. However, it is also Men’s Health Month. So this month, we want to shine a spotlight on men and their oral health. Men are 17% more likely to get cancer than women. Men are also 50% more likely to have hearing loss as well as die of heart disease than […]
Aging is Inevitable, Tooth Loss is Not
Maintaining healthy teeth and gums can help you keep your teeth for life. Aging is Inevitable, Tooth Loss is Not. Not so long ago, it was rare for an older person to go to bed without taking out his or her dentures. However, edentulism (toothlessness) has been declining in this country since the 1950s. According […]
Signs & Symptoms of Oral Cancer
When oral cancer is diagnosed in its earliest stages, treatment is generally very effective. Signs & Symptoms of Oral Cancer or any noticeable abnormalities in the tongue, gums, mouth, or surrounding area should be evaluated by a health professional as quickly as possible. Almost 42,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or throat cancer each […]
National Nutrition Month & Your Oral Health
National Nutrition Month & Your Oral Health. Nutrition plays an important role in overall wellness, including oral health. Eating well and maintaining a healthy diet can help reduce the risk of developing problems in your mouth, including periodontal disease. In fact, including certain foods as part of a nutritious diet has actually been shown to […]
Healthy Gums = Healthy Heart
Healthy Gums = Healthy Heart. Over the years there has been some debate about whether gum disease can cause heart disease if left untreated. That is why we like to say if you have Healthy Gums, you have a Healthy Heart. So, is there a link between gum disease and heart disease? According to […]
What is Gum Recession and Grafting?
Everyone wants or dreams of getting that “Hollywood Smile.” Nobody wants to hide their smile or be embarrassed by their smile. Whether it is getting straighter teeth, whiter teeth, or improving their overall appearance, there are plenty of options that you can do. One of the main issues in people’s smiles is their gum appearance. […]