Maintaining Good Oral Health

It is essential for you to maintain excellent levels of oral health. When daily brushing and flossing does not occur, the harmful oral bacteria can ingest the excess sugar between the teeth and colonize more freely below the gum line. This is why we stress the importance of good oral health.

A dental cleaning is a necessity for good oral and overall health. Our team recommends visiting the office at least twice per year for a regular dental cleaning. One of our talented hygienists will scrape away months of regular wear and rejuvenate your passion for good hygiene. We also recommend visiting at least once per year for a dental exam. Even though we typically perform one exam on each patient per year, the dental cleanings give us a chance to look at your teeth and monitor your oral health. 

A dental exam, at least once per year, can lead to better oral health. When we are able to keep a close eye on your dental health, we can spot dental concerns early or even before they arise. During the exam, we will do an oral cancer screening as well as to detect gum disease. 

Your oral health is the foundation of the function and appearance of your smile. Our team of professionals is dedicated to maintaining and enhancing your oral health for years to come.